Dutch Shepherd Puppies $2,000
Prices subject to change and 6% Michigan sales tax.
Discount to law enforcement and active military.
Cher Car Kennels has a long standing relationship with law enforcement and military service personnel. Although appreciative of a high drive Police Service or Military Working Dog, these individuals require a different type of canine companion in their own home, and many choose a herding breed to safeguard their loved ones. These dogs must be vigilant in their duties, but also calm and gentle with family members… playing with the kids or snuggling with the cat. Cher Car Kennels’ 46 years of breeding experience has produced a long line of dogs whose temperaments meet that need. Our dogs protect the families of
those who protect our freedoms™
(Click on dog's picture to view personal bio page)
Ivan and Whisper Litter
(Due on or around October 3, 2024)
This is a repeat breeding of our first very successful breeding of Ivan to Whisper. Work ethic will be present in this litter, but we expect his litter to produce some lower-key pups suitable for service work.
Ivan is Cheryl Carlson’s competition dog and is talented, agile, driven; but completely devoted to working as a partner. He possesses tremendous ball drive, is a Breed Champion, an elite level dock jumper and fetch-it competitor, an enthusiastic shed hunter and a strong, powerful protection dog. Ivan is out of our male Vinnie and our female Nora.
Our female Whisper is a fifth generation Cher Car Kennels bred Dutch Shepherd, out of our male Titan and our female Djenga. Whisper is smaller and lighter boned with very balanced drives.
This match will produce well-built dogs with outstanding looks and good, biddable drives, but not many couch potatoes. These pups will be lookers with good biddable drives and a willing, sweet side as long as they are in active homes.
Current Litter
(Click on dog's picture to view personal bio page)
Jordi & Djenga Litter
(Born July 22, 2024)
The breeding of Jordi to Djenga is a new cross for us. Work ethic should be strongly present in this litter. but there might be a couple of lower-key pups as well.
Jordi is a recently acquired stud dog for us, He was originally imported from the Netherlands out of two PH I Dutch Shepherds, and served as an explosives detection K-9 in Afghanistan. Jordi is very sturdy, willing and on the large side, and we believe he will add a bit of size and bone to any breeding.
Our female Djenga (NI Cher Car’s Mirror Image) is a fourth-generation Cher Car Kennels Dutch Shepherd out multiple “Total Dog” winning Triple Champion Django. (UUJCH UUFCH UCD UWP CAX UAGI URO3 PTS AC AI NN UNJ UCH Cher Car’s Django Unchained SPOT-ON CSAU) who is out of Lothar and Cayenne, and Best-in-Show winning CH Cara (BIMBS UCH Cara Princess of Chaos) who is out of Riddick and Snap. This match will produce solid well-built dogs with big bone and good, biddable drives, but not many couch potatoes. These pups will be lookers, with a willing, sweet side as long as they are in active homes. Police dog prospects could certainly happen in this litter.
Our female Djenga (NI Cher Car’s Mirror Image) is a fourth-generation Cher Car Kennels Dutch Shepherd out multiple “Total Dog” winning Triple Champion Django. (UUJCH UUFCH UCD UWP CAX UAGI URO3 PTS AC AI NN UNJ UCH Cher Car’s Django Unchained SPOT-ON CSAU) who is out of Lothar and Cayenne, and Best-in-Show winning CH Cara (BIMBS UCH Cara Princess of Chaos) who is out of Riddick and Snap. This match will produce solid well-built dogs with big bone and good, biddable drives, but not many couch potatoes. These pups will be lookers, with a willing, sweet side as long as they are in active homes. Police dog prospects could certainly happen in this litter.