UCH Cher Car’s Lucky Penny (OFA H/E) Call name “Penny”
Penny is a sweet, beautiful female who is obedience trained, very social and well mannered around all types of livestock. Penny is owned by a local 4H family here in St. Johns and she is a veteran of numerous 4H shows competing in agility, rally and obedience who has also been shown to her UKC Breed Championship.
Penny was sired by our DIESEL out of a Cher Car Kennels bred female named HERA, who is out of our UCH FIGO and UCH ECHO. Although we do not own Penny, Cher Car Kennels will whelp her puppies and will be guaranteeing her litters.
We expect Penny to produce active family pets that will bark at the door, then let the people in with a wag of the tail! These pups will probably have a little more “up and at em” temperament, so perfect for an active family with children, especially children that like to throw a ball! Her puppies will be showy enough for the ring, but very content to be your pal.
We expect Penny to produce active family pets that will bark at the door, then let the people in with a wag of the tail! These pups will probably have a little more “up and at em” temperament, so perfect for an active family with children, especially children that like to throw a ball! Her puppies will be showy enough for the ring, but very content to be your pal.
UCH Penny
UCH Penny
Penny (on far left) pictured with her 2017 Gratiot County 4-H dog competition ribbons where all 4 sisters each showed a dog in senior showmanship, agility , obedience and rally.