Multiple BIS & RBIS URO1 NI NC UNJCH CA USA UFA GRCH 'PR' Cher Car's Horrendous Dread (Call name “Horrid”)
They say "good things come in small packages" and our little Horrid is certainly proof of that! Horrid is 'Purple Ribbon" bred descending from our line of Parson Jack Russell Terriers tracing back to our first Grand Champion "Mustang" (UFR USR UAGI GRCH Cher Car’s Divine Mustang). She is stunner in the breed ring and was undefeated in every show entered while earning both her breed Championship and her Grand Championship.
GRCH Horrid
Although she is indeed beautiful to look at, her heritage includes highly trained and titled forefathers "Spalding" (PTN USA UFA GNJCH UAGI URO1 CAX RATI Cher Car’s Dreadful Dwarf CGC) and "Pistol" (PD1 P1 FO UWPS UWPCHX CA Cher Car’s 38 Special v Gemini), and she too actively competes in numerous performance venues.
Dock Jumping at the Premier
Racing at the Premier
Click photos above to enlarge.